
Wednesday, 23 July 2014

When I go to Tamaki College, I learn in Digital Technologies. The maori word for Technology is Hangarau. I have to use the kioure and the Papa Patihi to log into the Rorohiko.  At school I use a Rorohiko Ponaho. We use the ipurangi to log into the Pae Tukutuku for digital technology. We have to check the Maramataka to see what our tasks are for the day.Sometimes our teacher sends us messages on the Imera. Sometimes our teacher uses her Waea Pukoro to give us dojo points or to take photos of us.

I have learn't the following maori words.
Rorohiko Ponaro-Netbook, Laptop
Kioure- mouse
Waea Pukoro- cell phone
Imera- Email
Papa Patihi-Key Board
Pae Tukutuku- website

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Tuipulotu, This post is very helpful. I was able to learn te reo for some new digital technologies that I can use. Have you visited the Puau blogs? The tamariki and kaiako at Puau have been helping me a lot with my reo.
    You can access their blogs from
    Nga mihi


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